And the Award goes to…

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Gotcha! You thought I was going to say Howard Jacobson, didn’t you? 

Dear Rachna @ Rachna’s Scriptorium bestowed on me the Honest Scrap Award last week.

Honest Scrap AwardThis is a turning point for me and my blog, and we’re both pleased to receive our first award, that too for something we believe in – honesty. 

The rules entail sharing 10 things about yourself. Without further adieu, here they are:

  1. My first published piece of writing ever was a short poem about the sun that appeared in a local children’s magazine when I was a sprightly eleven-year-old.
  2. I learned to bake stuff in my microwave and now I can prepare a mean lasagne and tasty pizzas.
  3. I’ve re-read my favourite books more than a hundred times.
  4. I abhor, detest, loathe, and despise sitting at the beauty parlour for more than half-an-hour at a time. I am often shocked at how my friends are shocked that I don’t want to get a facial done every month!
  5. Despite excellent marks in English literature all throughout my school, I never thought of becoming a writer until I turned 22.
  6. I haven’t played the piano for almost a decade now, but I did pass my ABRSM  Grade 3 exam with a high merit (128/150).
  7. I have a great memory for numbers and can recite entire lists of them offhand.
  8. I cannot, for the life of me, whistle, not even a little bit.
  9. I love Guylian chocolates with a passion, and salmon too.
  10. When people make grammatical mistakes, especially stuff like ‘revert back’ and ‘lot many’, the urge to clobber them on the skull overcomes me, but then I remember the principles of non-violence and keep calm.


I talk so much that my sister once bought a poster dedicated to me, which said ‘You talk and I pretend to listen!’ She is regretting it now – her daughter is a greater chatterbox than I am. 

Seven bloggers whom I’d like to award this to are:

  1. Bhaswati, At home Writing
  2. Rayna at Coffee Rings Everywhere
  3. NR Williams, Fantasy Author
  4. T. Anne at White Platonic Dreams
  5. Nicole Zoltack, Where Fantasy and Love Take Flight
  6. Payal Dhar at Writer’s Log
  7. Anne R. Allen at Anne R. Allen’s blog 

Time to spill your secrets, people! Tell me something new about yourself.


  1. Hi Gargi…I can understand your feelings about winning your first blogging award. I was equally excited seven months back when I won my first blogging award after just a week of blogging.
    Congrats to your awardees. I really like your posts and appreciate your friendship. Loved knowing those ten things about you.
    BTW..I am a chatterbox too. And grammatical mistakes drive me crazy. 🙂


  2. Congrats on your award and thank you for mine!!! I’m impressed you’ve read your favorite book so often. I have a couple favorites I like to reread on occasion as well. It’s fun getting to know you!


    1. Thanks, Anne! Yes I do read my favourites, usually between two new books or after a book that I particularly disliked. Helps me write better too.


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