To Kindle or not to Kindle

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A great start to the year – my story “Singapore City” has been published in Vine Leaves Literary Journal. Hop over and check it out!

On to the feature presentation:

Two years ago, I bought an iPod Touch. Why, you may ask, did I abandon all manner of Apple iPhones and stoop to the Touch instead? Well, I’ve owned my share of expensive cell phones, and the experience alerted me to the realization that Smartphones and I are not heading for a Happily Ever After. I don’t possess the maturity levels required to nurture a smartphone as much as it needs me to.                           

So I went ahead and splurged on the 16 GB iPod Touch. From the minute I brought it home in its carefully wrapped pristine white packaging, I surrendered all rights to my toddler. The speed with which she navigated the device amazed me. She swooped in on the phone and started using it as her own.

I considered buying a Kindle. From all that I’ve heard and seen, the Kindle is an ideal device for the voracious reader. Kindle boasts e-ink technology that is easy on the eyes and most closely resembles reading a print book. One can read it in the sunlight as well, similar to how you read a print book.

Though I didn’t buy a Kindle eventually, I settled on reading ebooks using the Kindle app on the iPod Touch. I’ve done almost half my reading last year on the Touch, which is a great surprise for one who thought you’d have to pry the print books from her cold dead hands.

Apart from the ebooks, I am a member of two libraries which combine to quench my thirst for books. The first is British Council, where I’ve been a member for almost a decade (minus the two years I lived in Singapore). The second is Just Books, which set up shop here a couple of years ago. Now I wonder how I ever lived without them. They stock every type of book, down to the latest Indian bestsellers and Nigella Lawson/Jamie Oliver cookbooks. What more could a girl want? I even read The Casual Vacancy by borrowing it from Just Books. Considering its price and bulk, I might not have purchased or read it otherwise, however brilliant it turned out to be.

Thanks to Just Books and British Library, I am slowly but surely building up to my pre-baby average of 2 books per week. Last year I read 43 books, which improved on the previous year’s total of 33. This year I hope to read 50 books by the time 31st December rolls around.

Do you read more print books or prefer to flip virtual pages on an e-reader?


  1. I recently succumbed to e-reading and bought a Kobo Glo. Quite happy with it, though I’m not happy with: a) the price of ebooks sometimes; and b) the DRM on ebooks that prevents you from reading books bought on one platform on another. But overall, the experience of reading on the Kobo has been fantastic. I thoroughly recommend it. 🙂


  2. We have both iPad & Kindle at home & I can assure Kindle does far better job as an eReader. Now that said, I have graduated into audio books, mainly because of convenience. The only free time I get is during my hour long commute back & forth to work. I am a working Dad of two hyperactive boys so you can imagine the life at home. My elder one finds eReader very handy; not only it consolidates the library into one device but also offers him ease to look-up word reference & other details very conveniently


  3. I bought a Kindle last year and my reading increased drastically. The best thing about the Kindle is the instant access that we have to the best books written across the English-speaking world. That we can determine the popularity of a book (through ratings, reviews, etc.) and select the best books (some of them for free), keeps me hooked to the Kindle. I love it 🙂


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